Other Canoe Journeys – Springtown


Springtown is about halfway between Burnstown and Calabogie on highway 508. Turn west in the middle of Pakenham Village (past Scoops) onto the White Lake Road, travel north through White Lake to Burnstown and west to Springtown. Just past the village, cross over the bridge and put your canoe in on the north side of the road. There is plenty of parking space. Explore the small lake (I don’t know its name). Watch for submerged stumps. On the north shore, paddle into Holiday Creek. You can easily paddle as far as the culverts and even go through them if there is enough water. However, you can’t get much further than that. After exploring the small lake and creek, paddle throught the cement culvert under the highway and into to Madawaska River. A few dozen yards to your right is a very short dock. You can stop here and have lunch (with permisssion of property owners). A paddle around this part of the river is interesting and picturesque. A word of caution: With great regularity, excess water is released into the Madawaska from the dam at Calabogie. The extra water pours through the culvert into the small lake at a fast clip. Experienced paddlers know how to paddle through this current but, if you are not sure, wait until the current drops.

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