Constance Creek Wetland
Gliding through a provincially significant class one wetland always produces a great list of wetland birds that one doesn’t see or hear in smaller marshes. The Constance Creek route within the City of Ottawa does just that.
Upon exploring this journey, we discovered a very healthy population of wee marsh wrens, a species that is disappearing from large lake fringe wetlands due to lowering of water tables.
Also found and listed were many common yellow-throated warblers, sora rails and pied-billed grebes plus the usuals of red-wings, grackles, great blue herons, alder flycatchers, tree swallows and swamp sparrows.
To find this creek and its launch area, travel to Dunrobin, turn east towards the Ottawa River and travel about one km to the bridge. There is plenty of space to park your car and canoes can be put in the water on the north-west side of the bridge. The first thing to greet you is an osprey nest on a nearby hydro pole.
Probably this creek is best travelled in the spring for the reeds will grow in during the summer as the water level drops. It depends upon how active the beavers are and how much rain has fallen. Travelling northwards (downsteam) you can paddle about one km. before you get blocked in. Under the bridge and up river is even shorter but the overall experience of gliding along the reed beds can take at least three hours of paddling. There is no place to get out and have lunch so you will have to eat in your canoe.