Butterfly Count Near Almonte

The North American Butterfly Association has coordinated butterfly counts following the same format as for Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs) for many years. These counts are published as part of an ongoing program of NABA to census the butterflies of North America. See http://www.naba.org/counts.html for more information. Volunteer participants focus on a 24 km diameter circle and conduct a one-day census of all butterflies sighted within the circle. As with CBCs, there is a $4.00 charge to participants to support the publication of the results (not obligatory, but encouraged).

Eastern tailed blue ALlison July 2009 125














Eastern Tailed Blue, photo Ken Allison

Appalachian Eyed Brown July 7 042 Allison

Appalachian Brown, photo Ken Allison

This is the seventh year that the Ottawa Field Naturalist Club (OFNC) will sponsor a count (and the 13th year that this count will have been conducted). The count area will be centred at Manion Corners (SW of Ottawa), a site used as a former non-OFNC count circle. It includes several important butterfly areas such as the Long Swamp and the Burnt Lands alvar.

Especially kid friendly!

Details for the Butterfly Count centered on Manion Corners

Leaders: Jeff Skevington and Peter Hall

Date: Saturday, July 5, 2014 8:30 am. Rain date Sunday, July 6, 2014

Meet: in the carpool parking lot at the intersection of Dwyer Hill Road and March Road (NE of Almonte). If you need a ride from Ottawa please use the OFNC Facebook or Twitter accounts to try to find a ride share.

Call Jeff Skevington between 6 pm and 9 pm on Friday night at 613-832-1970 if in doubt about the weather or for specific questions regarding this event. 

It is an all-day event so bring your lunch. No experience is necessary! We will put teams together on site and match up people so that everyone has a chance to learn from the experts. If you have binoculars and a butterfly net, bring them along. Butterflies may be captured and brought to the count compilation alive for identification and release. Rubber boots are recommended, as some of the sites have a lot of poison ivy.

We plan to meet at Fletcher Wildlife Garden at 6:00 pm after the count for a compilation and pot luck dinner. Please bring along some food to share plus your own drinks. We will have a collection of butterflies along to help people figure out what they saw and learn a bit more about these amazing creatures. We hope that everyone can make it to the compilation, as it will be a lot of fun; however, if you can’t make it, we will get your data in the afternoon before you leave.


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