Barred Owl

MVFN Nature Notebook Sightings

Barred Owl

Nov 1, 2016: Howard and Mary Robinson sent these amazing photos and report  “excellent views of a Barred Owl yesterday while doing a pre-hike for an upcoming hike on the Rideau Trail from Bedford Mills.”

Howard reports that such birds can be seen in backyards in the Clayton area and other rural wooded properties in our area!

Speaking of backyard birds: do you know your backyard birds? Do you want to attract and nurture birds in your backyard? Join MVFN November 17, 2016 at 7:30 pm at Almonte United Church, Almonte, for the presentation “Birds in Your Backyard” by expert birder Cliff Bennett.

See details.

photo Howard Robinson

Barred Owl. photos Howard Robinson
Barred Owl. photos Howard Robinson

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