Annual Duck Migration Presqu’ile Provincial Park

Annual Duck Migration Presqu’ile Provincial Park

Join us in viewing the annual huge duck migration staging area at Presqu’ile Provincial Park, Brighton, on Lake Ontario. Tens of thousands of ducks of over twenty species, gather in the park bay prior to taking off north to their breeding grounds.

 Sunday, March 14, 2010

(NOTE NEW DATE: This event was originally scheduled for March 28 but the ice in the bay is melting sooner than expected. As the ice goes, so go the ducks)

 Car Pooling: East Lanark: Meet at Union Hall, corner of County Roads 16 and 9 for departure by 7:30 A.M. West Lanark: Meet at Balderson Cheese Outlet, Balderson, for departure for 8:00 A.M.

Bring: lunch, binoculars, spotting scopes if available. Dress warmly for lake winds are cool.

Wear:  good walking shoes for we will walk at least one trail.

 This event is go, rain or shine, sleet, hail or snow (unless we have a sudden great blizzard).

 Please pre-register with Cliff Bennett  at 613-256-5013 or

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