2013-14 Natural History Lecture Series

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The Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists’ natural history lecture series provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the natural world of our local Mississippi Valley watershed.

You do not need to be an expert to enjoy these lectures, just a curiosity and fascination for the natural world. Lectures are held on the third Thursday of January-April and September-November at the Almonte United Church Social Hall at 106 Elgin St. in Almonte, Ontario. An 8th lecture presentation also takes place on the third Thursday of May (at the Almonte Civitan Hall or as announced) as part of our annual “Spring Gathering” event.

Details of upcoming lectures will be posted under upcoming events, and will be posted on our new calendar once the new website theme is launched.

The theme for this years’ 2013-2014 lecture series is “Knowing and Caring Connect us with Nature”



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